Saints Row Infinite Respect

Dec 30, 2011 Saints Row: The Third; Respect farming? Respect farming? By TimzZ, December 30, 2011 in Saints Row: The Third. And infinite ammo etc. And it's REALLY BORING. Get all of the Saints Row 3 Remastered Cheats for PS5 and Xbox Series S/X here so you can have fun with the Street Saints gang.

Navigation: Saints Row GuideSaints row 2 infinite respect cheat codeSaints row cheats infinite respect > Respect
Respect is used to perform missions and strongholds. You must have at least 2,000 respect (one full respect bar) to start a mission.

The following things will increase your respect:

  • Killing rival gang members (10 each)
  • Defending against a pushback (500 each)
  • Spraying a tag (500 each)
  • Completing the 'Back To Basics' mission (500)
  • Completing a Hostage run (variable, 250-1,000)
  • Completing a Theft run (variable)
  • Performing an Activity (Variable)
You will lose exactly one bar of respect every time you start a mission or a stronghold, and you cannot start one of these without at least one full bar of respect (the exception to this are some of the Third Street Saints missions, they do not require respect to start up). Note however that if the mission involves killing enemy gang members, you will still get the normal amount of respect for that while in the mission, so in some cases you will get some of that respect back.
I will list the amount of respect you gain for activities in the activities section of this guide.

Respect Modifiers

There are some things in the game that don't affect your respect value directly, but instead have an effect on the amount of respect you get when you do earn it. These are respect modifiers, and you can change this modifier by wearing clothing and jewelry. Generally, the more expensive (and purple) the clothing and jewelry you wear, the higher the modifier.
When you fill a modifier bar (which is visible when you are buying clothing or jewelry, or visiting your wardrobe), you will get a percentage increase to the amount of respect you will receive.
For example, if you are wearing enough purple clothing to raise your modifier one bar, you will get a 10% increase in respect. Then, if you were to go spray a gang tag, you would get 550 respect rather than the base 500 respect.
Note that all respect values given in this guide are the base values, based on having zero full bars of respect modifiers. If you have more bars than zero, you will get higher respect rewards than are shown in the guide.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered brings back the crazy world saints, massive open world, and tons of activities. But sometime it might get boring doing the regular task, or if you are done playing then what more is left. Well, there are cheats. Here is a list of all Saints Row: The Third Remastered cheats. From getting a hundred thousand dollars to summon vehicles, weapons, change weather, and even the crazy ones like turn the people to zombies. This guide will help you to get the list of all cheats codes for Saints Row: The Third Remastered and step by step instructions on how to use cheat codes.


How to Enable Cheats in Saints Row: The Third Remastered?

To enter cheats select the Phone and go to Extras option. It is at the bottom, in this app, you will find two options among which one is Cheats. Select it and you will have to type a cheat code. For example cheese, will give you a hundred thousand dollars. Type this and click on Give Cash. Then click on Continue and select Yes from the next screen. In this way you can add various cheats in Saints Row: The Third Remastered. Here is the list of all cheats you can type in to unlock various items.


But before you jump to the list of cheat codes one important update. Trophies and Auto-saves are disabled when you are using cheats in Saints Row: The Third Remastered. But you can save your game manually.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered God Mode Cheat

There is one single cheat code that will enable God Mode in Saints Row: The Third Remastered. The cheat will remain active for approx ten to twenty minutes during the gameplay. You will instantly unlock Level 50 and earn 5 Million dollars instantly. You can enter the character ability section of the game and buy everything. The cheat is whatitmeanstome, remember you will get max powers but still you can die if you are crash driving a normal car or aircraft or get run over by another vehicle.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered Best Cheat Codes


Here is the list of some of the most common cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third Remastered. This includes unlocking instantly money, unlock all weapons, increase stamina, repair vehicle, etc. You will be using these cheats code regularly in the game.

  1. cheese – Get $100,000.
  2. goldengun – Unlock on hit kill Golden Gun.
  3. letsrock – Unlock all Weapons.
  4. runfast – Unlock Infinite Sprint.
  5. vroom – Disable vehicle damage.
  6. repaircar – Repair damage car instantly.
  7. pissoffpigs – Add police notoriety.
  8. goodygoody – No police notoriety
  9. lolz – Add gang notoriety.
  10. oops – No gang notoriety.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered Gameplay Cheat Codes

Saints Row Infinite Respect

Here is some cheats code that will help you to modify the gameplay or brings changes in the world. For example, you can turn pedestrians into Zombies, or make them drunk, etc.

  • brains – Turn pedestrians into Zombies.
  • notrated – Activate Bloody Mess, whenever you kill anyone he will explode.
  • fryhole – Activate Heaven Bound, corpses rises.
  • dui – Drunk pedestrians.
  • mascot – Mascot pedestrians.
  • isquishyou – Vehicles smashes into each other.


Saints Row: The Third Remastered Weather Cheat Codes

Here are some cheats to modify the weather in the game. Turn sunny to cloudy or summon heavy rain.

  • clearskies – Sunny Weather.
  • overcast – Cloudy Weather.
  • lightrain – Rainy Weather.
  • heavyrain – Heavy Rain.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered Weapon Cheat Codes

Saints Row Infinite Respect Cheat Code

Below is the list of weapon cheat codes, just type in and you will unlock weapon of your choice. You can also specifically call up each weapon using the cheat.

Unique Weapons:

  • giveapoca – Apocafists, a custom fist which makes anyone explode when punched.
  • givecyber – Unlocks Spawn Cyber Buster cannon with unlimited ammo.
  • giveflamethrower – Unlock Flamethrower.
  • givercgun – Unlock RC Possessor, use this weapon to take control of vehicles.
  • givedrone – Unlock Reaper Drone.
  • giveshield – Unlock Riot Shield.
  • giverpg – Unlock RPG Launcher.
  • giveairstrike – Unlock SA-3 Airstrike.
  • givesonic – Unlock Sonic Boom.
  • giveslm8 – Unlock Viper Laser Rifle.
  • givesword – Unlock Nocturne, the sword.


  • givesheperd – 45 Sheperd
  • givekobra – KA-1 Kobra

Saints Row 2 Infinite Respect Cheat

Guns and Rifles:

  • givear55 – AR 55
  • giveultimax – AS3 Ultimax
  • givekrukov – K-8 Krukov
  • giveminigun – Mini Gun

Melee Weapons:

  • givebaseball – Baseball
  • givechainsaw – Chainsaw
  • givestungun – Stun Gun
Saints Row Infinite Respect


  • givecybersmg – Spawn Cyber Blaster
  • giveblossom – D4TH Blossom
  • givetek – TEK Z-10


  • giveelectric – Electric Grenade.
  • giveflashbang – Flash Bang.
  • givelauncher – GL G20 Grenade Launcher.
  • givegrenade – Grenade.
  • givemolotov – Molotov.
  • givesatchel – Satchel Charge Explosive.
  • giverocket – Shock Hammer.


  • givedigger – Grave Digger
  • givehammer – S3X Hammer Advanced Shotgun.

Saints Row Infinite Respect


  • givesniper – McManus 2015

Saints Row: The Third Remastered Vehicle Cheat Codes

Want to summon any vehicle you want then here is the list of all vehicle cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third Remastered. You can unlock more than 35 vehicles using the cheat codes below. Just type in and the drive will be right in front of you.


  1. giveattrazione – Attrazione.
  2. givebootlegger – Bootlegger.
  3. givephoenix – Phoenix.
  4. giveknoxville – Knoxville Golf Cart.
  5. givepeacemaker – Peacemaker Police car.
  6. givestatusquo – Status Quo one of the fastest car in the game.
  7. givetitan – Titan Armored Car.
  8. givevortex – Vortex
  9. givequasar or givesquasar – Car.
  10. givereaper– Hearse Van.
  11. givetaxi – Taxi.
  12. givetoad – ATV.


  1. giveestrada – Estrada.
  2. givekaneda – Kaneda.
  3. givekenshin – Kenshin.
  4. givesandstorm – Sandstorm Dirt Bike.
  5. givespecter – Specter Jet Bike.
  6. givewidowmaker – Scooter

Heavy Vehicles:

  1. giveambulance – Ambulance.
  2. giveanchor – Anchor.
  3. givegatmobile – Gatmobile. Large van with giant Johnny Gat Head on front.
  4. givemunicipal – Municipal Garbage Truck.

Army Tanks & Vehicles:

  1. givechallenger – Challenger (Tank).
  2. givenforcer – Nforcer.

Water boats:

  1. givecommander – Commander.
  2. givemiami – Miami.
  3. giveshark – Jetski

Choppers & Fighter Jets:

Saints Row 2 Infinite Respect Mod

  1. givecondor – Condor.
  2. giveeagle – Eagle.
  3. givetornado – Tornado.
  4. givevulture – Vulture.
  5. givevtol – F69 Vtol Jet Plane.

Using the cheats above you can unlock various items in Saint Rows: The Third Remastered. Just pull your phone and go to the Extra apps. Type the cheat code and you can unlock weapons, get money and vehicles. Have fun playing.