Technicolor Mac Address Filtering

  • MAC Address and Network Name (SSID) Click to enlarge. MAC addresses are written as 12 digits containing both letters and numbers (0-9, A-F). A MAC address is unique. The first six characters of the MAC address are unique to the manufacturer of the device.
  • How MAC Address Filtering Works. RELATED: Don't Have a False Sense of Security: 5 Insecure Ways to Secure Your Wi-Fi. Each device you own comes with a unique media access control address (MAC address) that identifies it on a network. Normally, a router allows any device to connect — as long as it knows the appropriate passphrase.

The Technicolor EPC3928AD residential wireless cable gateway with digital voice is a high-performance home gateway that combines a cable modem, digital voice adapter, router, and dual-band concurrent IEEE 802.11n 2.4 and 5 GHz. MAC address filtering Networking Routing modes Transparent bridging Routed modes Multiple client support 32 (briged.

TelnetCommands for a Thomson / Technicolor Router
Tested on a TG587n V2 but may work on other Thomson routers

Use the routers web interface to backup the router settings beforeplaying.
Reinstallingthe backup or in the worst case resetting to factory default andreinstalling the backup should get things back to how they were.
Use these commands at your own risk.

Enable Telnet in Vistaor Windows 7

If using Vista or Windows 7, telnetis not enabled by default but it's very easy to do and you only need dothis once.
Go to “Control Panel” > “Programs and Features” >click on “Turn windowsFeatures On and Off”> place a tick in “Telnet Client” > click ok.

Start a telnet sessionto the router.
Click on 'start' in the bottom left corner of the desk top, inthe search box (vista) or run box (windows xp) type commandthen press enter.
A black command window should pop up, in heretype telnet192.168.1.254
You will be asked for your routers username and then password,it’s the same ones used to access the routers web interface.
The first thing to do is disable the routers telnet timeout.
This prevents the telnet session unexpectedly closing.
Just enter the two commands as shown above to permanently disable thetimeout.
This example displays the IP address of the DNS resolvers held in therouter.
Issue thecommand 'dns serverroute list'
Make a note of the interface shown here, it will be needed insome other commands on this page.
eg. the interface shown above isO2_ADSL2plusthis may not be the same as shown by your router.
Setthe router to use OpenDNS--R8 Firmware
dnsserver route listList all DNS resolvers set in the router. ( optional )
dnsserver route flushClear
dnsserver route add dns= metric=0 intf=InternetSeenote (1) below regarding 'intf=Internet'
dnsserver route add dns= metric=0 intf=InternetSeenote (1) below regarding 'intf=Internet'
dnsserver route listListall DNS resolvers set in the router. (just checking)
saveallMakethe change permanent.

The ISP DNS settings may creep back in over time.
A metric value of 0 has been used to give these new DNS settingspriority over any ISP settings.
eg the lower the metric the higher the priority.

Telnet scriptdownload to configure the DNS setting for R8 and R10 firmware

Undo,return to obtaining DNS resolvers via DHCP

dnsserver route flushClear
dnsserver route listListall DNS resolvers set in the router. (just checking)
saveallMakethe change permanent.
May need to reboot or renew the ppp session to obtain the DNS settings.

Setthe router to use OpenDNS--New R10 Firmware
dnsserver forward dnsset listList all DNS resolvers set in the router. ( optional )
dnsserver forward dnsset flushClear
dnsserver forward dnsset add set=0 dns= metric=0intf=InternetSeenote (1) below regarding 'intf=Internet'
dnsserver forward dnsset add set=0 dns= metric=0intf=InternetSeenote (1) below regarding 'intf=Internet'
dnsserver forward dnsset listListall DNS resolvers set in the router. (just checking)
saveallMakethe change permanent.

The ISP DNS settings may creep back in over time.
A metric value of 0 has been used to give these new DNS settingspriority over any ISP settings.
eg the lower the metric the higher the priority.

Telnetscript download to configure the DNS setting for R8 and R10 firmware

Undo,return to obtaining DNS resolvers via DHCP

dnsserver forward dnsset flushClear
dnsserver forward dnsset listListall DNS resolvers set in the router. (just checking)
saveallMakethe change permanent.
May need to reboot or renew the ppp session to obtain the DNS settings.
UpdateOpenDNS using Dynamic DNS
dyndnsservice listViewexisting settings -- It's the 'custom' section we'll be changing
dyndnsservice modify name=custom server=updates.dnsomatic.comupdateinterval=10800Changeservice provider to
updateinterval is 3 hours. (10800 seconds)
saveallMake the change permanent.

Ensure your opendns account is set to -- enable dynamic IP update
Go to , sign in with your OpenDNS username / password.
While there, enable update opendns.
Go to the routers web interface Toolbox > Dynamic DNS >Configure :-
Tick 'Enabled'
Interface -- Internet -- See Note (1)
Username --Opendns username
Password --Opendns password
Service -- custom

Technicolor Mac Address Filtering Devices

Host --enter your opendns network label or enter the catch all --
Click 'Apply'

Technicolor Mac Address Filtering App

Check the routers event log to confirm 'dyndns host has been updated'.
Disabletelnet timeout
envget var=SESSIONTIMEOUTCheckexisting setting.
envset var=SESSIONTIMEOUT value=0Disablesession timeout.
saveallMakethe change permanent.

Getrouter stats
xdslinfo expand=enabledSee Telnet Scripting for a method to get these statsquick.

Forceconnection modulation mode to ADSL1, ADSL2 or ADSL2+ (also disable Annex M)
A useful byproduct of this command is that it causes a resync.
ie resetting the modulation to default (ie no change) can be used toforce the router to perform a resync.
xdsldebug multimodeShowall enabled modes. (optional)
xdsl debugmultimode config=t1.413issue2+g992.1_annex_aThisforces ADSL1 (ie g992.1 Annex A)
xdsl debugmultimode config=t1.413issue2+g992.3_annex_aThisforces ADSL2 (ie g992.3 Annex A)
xdsl debugmultimode config=t1.413issue2+g992.5_annex_aThisforces ADSL2+ (ie g992.5 Annex A)
xdsl debugmultimodeconfig=t1.413issue2+g992.1_annex_a+g992.3_annex_a+g992.3_annex_l+g992.5_annex_aDisableAnnex M on all connection modes
xdsl debugmultimodeconfig=t1.413issue2+g992.1_annex_a+g992.3_annex_a+g992.3_annex_l+g9
Default,all modes available.
saveallUseone of the above commands then saveall !

Dropand Re-start ADSL (resync)
xdsl configstatus=downDropADSL connection
xdsl configstatus=upRaiseADSL connection

Drop/ Start PPP Session
With some ISP connections this may change your gateway it may alsochange your IP address.
Useful if your ISP sometimes has congested gateways.
ppp ifdetachintf=InternetDropPPP
ppp ifattachintf=Internet ConnectPPP

DHCPClient Lease Renew
dhcp clientifrenew intf=InternetSeenote (1) below regarding 'intf=Internet'
dhcp clientiflist expand=enabledOptional-- View DHCP Client Info

Rebootthe router
system reboot

Changerouter password -- I've found thistroublesome using the web interface.
userconfig name=SuperUser password=mypasswordMustbe an existing username ie 'SuperUser' or 'Administrator'
userconfig name=Administrator password=mypassword
saveallDon'tforget this!

Create username with 'root'privileges.
These two methods don't work with all firmware version.
Method 1
script addname=useroot command='user add name=me password=pass role=root'
Change'me' and 'pass' for your own username and password.
script runname=useroot pars='Runthe script.
saveallDon'tforget this!
Method 2
userflushDeleteall usernames and passwords
Exittelnet session and start a new one.Nousername or password needed.
useradd name=MyUserName password=MyPassWord role=root defuser=enableddefremadmin=enabled deflocadmin=enabledReplaceMyUserName and MyPassWord
with ones of your own.

Spoofrouters WAN MAC
ipiflist expand=enabledShowrouters MAC and other stuff
ipifdetach intf=InternetSeenote (1) below regarding 'intf=Internet'
ipifconfig intf=Internet hwaddr=00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xxSeenote (1) Replace 'xx' with your spoof MAC
ipifattach intf=InternetSeenote (1) below regarding 'intf=Internet'
saveallDon'tforget this!

DisableCWMP -- Remote management by the ISP
servicesystem listShowif enabled or disabled.
servicesystem modify name=CWMP-S state=disabledDisableremote assistance from the ISP.
servicesystem modify name=CWMP-C state=disabledDisablechecking for firmware updates etc 'phone home'.
saveallDon't forget this!

Undo -- Enable CWMP -- default mode
servicesystem modify name=CWMP-S state=enabledReturnto default setting
servicesystem modify name=CWMP-C state=enabledReturnto default setting
saveallDon'tforget this!

Enablereply to Pings from WAN
servicesystem list name=PING_RESPONDER expand=enabledCheckif 'interface group' is associated with WAN (ie enabled)
servicesystem ifadd name=PING_RESPONDER group=wanAddto WAN 'interface group' (ie enabled)
saveallDon't forget this!

Undo -- Disable reply to Pings from WAN -- Default mode

servicesystem ifdelete name=PING_RESPONDER group=wanRemoveWAN from 'interface group' (ie disabled) -- Default
saveallDon'tforget this!

Disable wireless nspeed--Routers using R8 firmware
wirelessifconfigShowwireless settings (optional)
wirelessifconfig interop=802.11b/gDisablewireless n
saveallDon'tforget this!

Undo -- Enable all wirelessspeeds
wirelessifconfig interop=802.11b/g/nEnablewireless b, g and n -- Default
saveallDon'tforget this!

Disable wireless
--Routers using R10 firmware
wirelessradio interop=802.11b/gDisablewireless n
saveallDon'tforget this!

Undo -- Enable all wirelessspeeds
wirelessradio interop=802.11b/g/nEnablewireless b, g and n -- Default
saveallDon'tforget this!

Change wireless n speed (TG582n only)
wirelessradio channelwidth=20 sgi=enabledWirelessSpeed 144(n)
wireless radiochannelwidth=20/40 sgi=disabledWirelessSpeed 270(n)
wireless radiochannelwidth=20/40 sgi=enabledWirelessSpeed 300(n)
wireless radiochannelwidth=20 sgi=disabledWirelessSpeed 130(n) Default
saveallDon'tforget this!

Whenin 270(n) or 300(n) mode the router is not very good at switching offthe extra channels when not needed or when it may cause interferenceto other wireless access points.
For this reason please use these modes responsibly.
AddressWireless n tweaks (TG582n only)

wirelessradio cdd=enabledenabled= reduce dead spots in the wireless coverage
disabled = default
wirelessradio stbc=enabledenabled= Improve signal quality
disabled = default
wirelessradio frameaggregation=ampduImprovethroughput by changing type of header.
amsdu -- generaly most efficient
ampdu -- (Default) Better in environments of high error rates.
saveallDon'tforget this!

ChangeMTU setting
ip iflistShowpresent setting (optional)
ip ifconfigintf=Internet mtu=1458Seenote (1) regarding 'intf=Internet' -- Set MTU for WAN
ip ifconfigintf=LocalNetwork mtu=1458SetMTU for LAN
saveallDon'tforget this!

Undo-- Return to default MTU of 1500
ip ifconfigintf=Internet mtu=1500Seenote (1) regarding 'intf=Internet' -- Set 1500 MTU for WAN
ip ifconfigintf=LocalNetwork mtu=1500Set1500 MTU for LAN
saveallDon'tforget this!

Disableethernet port
eth deviceifconfig intf=ethif1 state=disabledDisableethernet port 1. (ethif1 = port 1, ethif2 = port 2 etc )
saveallDon'tforget this!
eth deviceiflistListstate of ports (optional)

Undo-- Enable ethernet port
eth deviceifconfig intf=ethif1 state=enabledEnableethernet port 1. ( ethif1= port 1, ethif2 = port 2 etc )
saveallDon'tforget this!

WirelessMAC access control -- Block a wireless connection
First configure theaccess control list by adding the device you wish to control -- onlyrequired once for each device.
wirelessmacacl add ssid_id=0 radio_id=0 hwaddr=00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xxpermission=allowChange'00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' to the wireless MAC of the target PC .
Only used once for each wireless MAC added to the list.

Use the followingcommands to stop or allow a wireless connection asrequired.

wirelessmacacl listOptional-- Display preset wireless MAC's
wirelessmacacl modify ssid_id=0 radio_id=0 hwaddr=00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xxpermission=denyDenyconnection from the target PC -- Use when required
wirelessmacacl modify ssid_id=0 radio_id=0 hwaddr=00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xxpermission=allowAllowconnection from the target PC -- Use when required

Undo-- Remove from WirelessMAC access control list
wirelessmacacl listOptional -- display MAC address on list
wirelessmacacl delete ssid_id=0 radio_id=0 hwaddr=00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xxRemoveMAC from list.
saveallDon'tforget this.

Checkwhich devices are connected
hostmgr listLookin the 'Flags' column,
'C' indicates connected

EnableWPS -- This is disabled by default on some models.
wireless wpsconfig state=enabledTheWPS button should now work

Undo-- Disable WPS
wireless wpsconfig state=disabled

Syslog -- This log survives a reboot
syslogmsgbuf showViewrouter log in the telnet window.
syslogmsgbuf send dest= the log to syslog client at IP address
syslogmsgbuf flushClearthe log
Link now dead, a google search will find a suitable syslog client.
Freesyslog client from 3Com
syslogconfig activate=enabledEnablecontinuous update to a syslog client.
syslogruleadd fac=all sev=debug dest= send all the log items to syslog client at

Changethe LAN IP of a Connected Device -- Static DHCP
dhcpserver lease listViewthe pool name and MAC address of the connected device
dhcp serverlease delete clientid=00:23:4d:xx:xx:xxFirstdelete the device.
clientid= [the MAC address found above]
dhcpserver lease add clientid=00:23:4d:xx:xx:xx pool=LAN_privateaddr= leasetime=0clientid= [the MAC address found above]
pool = [the pool name found above]
addr = [the lan IP you wish to assign - range to 252]
leasetime=0 [infinite lease time]
saveallDon'tforget this.
Rebootthe device to obtain the new IP address

Disablethe Factory Reset Button

-- If youforget the username or password you will be locked out of therouter permanently.
Be very sureyou know the risks before using this command.
systemconfig resetbutton=disabled

Undo-- Enable the Factory Reset Button (Default)
systemconfig resetbutton=enabled

FixaProblemwith VOIP not working
connectionunbind application=SIP port=5060

connectionbind application=SIP port=5060

DisableIntrusion Detection (IDS)May help with online game problems but reduces security.
idsconfig state=disabled

idsconfig state=enabled

DisableCPU Low Clock Speed -- TG587n v2 and TG582n
Make the router more responsive.
pwrconfig Optional- view state
pwrconfigcpu-lowspeed=disabledDisableslow speed CPU

Undo-- default
pwrconfigcpu-lowspeed=enabled Enableslow speed CPU

Additionalpwr configcommands
pwr configeco-manager=enabled / disabledTheECO manager
pwrconfigcpu-microsleep=enabled / disabledAllowthe CPU to use low power instructions
pwrconfigcpu-lowspeed=enabled /disabledAllowsthe CPU to adjust it's clock speed.
pwrconfigusb-controller=enabled / disabledTheUSB controller
pwrconfigwlan-pwrcontrol=enabled / disabledWirelessLAN power control

There are reports that having these power settings enabled can causeintermittent network and internet access problems.
Disabling all of these settings followed by a router reboot cured theproblem.
Awaiting more information on this issue.
Cone-typeNAT's for Teredo Tunneling
Required for WindowsMeeting Space
The default for a Thomson router is symmetric-type NATs
UPnP needs to be enabled in the routers GUI.
Test with Microsoft's Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool
connectionbind application=CONE(UDP) port=3544

Undo-- return to the default of symmetric-type NATs
connectionunbind application=CONE(UDP) port=3544

LogWeb Site Visits
dsdconfig state=enabledEnableaddress based filtering.
dsdsyslog config syslog=allSelectwhat to log
saveallMakethe change permanent.
dsdsyslog listUsethis command to view the log.
Alternatively use a syslog client as show in the syslog commands above.
syslogmsgbuf flushEmptythe log. -- Optional
This may quickly fill the routers memory and cause unexpected issues.
dsdsyslog config syslog=none
dsdconfig state=disabled

SNTP -- Change time server settings
sntp listListthe time servers
sntp time server.
This can be done in the routers GUI
sntp time server.
This can be done in the routers GUI
sntp configpoll=360
Setpoll interval to 6 hours.
Default is 60 minutes.
system settimeViewsystem time settings

Unbindthe FTP ALG -- Fix access problem to a local FTP server from theinternet.
Normal port forward rules are still required.
Optional- view the bind list
connectionunbind application=FTP port=21Unbindthe FTP helper
Optional- view the bind list

connectionbind application=FTP port=21Bindthe FTP helper to port 21
connectionbindlistOptional- view the bind list

DLNAServer (Media Sharing) Not Discovered Across LAN / WLAN. SOLVEDThis issue is present in firmware Don'tknow about other firmware versions.

eth bridgeigmpsnooping configViewpresent state.
If state=enabled then apply the fix
eth bridgeigmpsnooping config brname=bridge state=disabledApplyfix

Turn Off LED Lights
system qualled value=alloffTurnall LED's off

Undo-- Enable LED lights
system qualled value=unlockEnableLED's

Correct The Decimal (.) and Digit (,)Separators
Some firmware versions confuse the decimal point with the comma.
system localeDisplaypresent settings
system localedec_symbol=.Assignthe decimal point
system localegroup_symbol=,Assignthe comma

No Auto Retrain
Prevent reconnecting after dropping the ADSL connection
xdslqual freeze-showtime state=enabledStop reconnecting
saveallMake permanent

xdslqual freeze-showtime state=disableDefault
saveallMake permanent

Throttle Speed Through a EthernetPort -- Shaper

ethswitch shaper iflistUse anytime to view shaper settings
ethswitch shaper ifconfig port=1 ingress=disabled shaper=0 state=enabledspeed=384000 burstsize=16Ethernet port 1
Egress speed 384000 bps
ethswitch shaper ifconfig port=1 ingress=enabled shaper=0 state=enabledspeed=768000 burstsize=16Ethernet port 1
Ingress speed 768000 bps
ethswitch shaper config shaper=0 unicast=enabled multicast=enabledbroadcast=enabled control=disabled unknown=enabled discard=disablednormalize=disabled exclude_ipg=disabledConfigure shaper 0 to throttle on ingress, not neededfor egress
saveallMake permanent
Change the port and speed to suit your requirements.
Speed automatically notches in steps of 64Kbps.
Note(1) :
The 'intf=Internet'part of the above commands may need to be changed depending on therouters firmware.
ie 'intf=Internet'should be correct for standard firmware.
O2 supplied routers may need 'intf=Internet'replacing with :-
For O2 supplied routers on a LLU connections replace with 'intf=O2_ADSL2plus'or in some cases 'intf=RoutedEthoA'
For O2 supplied routers on the Access service replace with 'intf=O2_ADSL'
Hint - You can check which one to use for the WAN interface by lookingat the results fromthe 'dns server routelist' command.
See the screen capture below, in this case it's 'intf=O2_ADSL2plus'.
To close the telnet session type -- exit-- press 'enter'

Mac Address Filtering 2wire

Thinking ofmoving to PlusNet Broadband?
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CLIReference Guide TG857n v2 r8.4.3
This reference guide also shows all the hidden commands.
Source Produced by Alexat
Thomson CLI Reference Guide TG587n
Thomson CLIReference Guide TG585 v7
Technicolor CustomerRelease Note - Main Track R8.4.3 Maintenance 2

Telnetcommands for aThomson router
Change DNS Settings on a ThomsonRouter -- (Two methods)

Web Access Control Schedule (TOD)

Webcontent filter

Telnet scripting

ConnectTwo ThomsonRouters Together

BasicDMZ on a Thomson Router

AdvancedDMZ on a Thomson TG587n
Forwardall ports to a specific LANIP
Wakeon LAN from Internet
Xboxand PS3 on a Thomson router
RemoteAccess to a Thomson Router
Fixa problem with VPN (IPSec) Connections(Firmware Release 8.4.3only)
Fixa problem with VPN (PPTP) Connections

BridgeMode and Create a EWAN Port

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