Uberti Serial Numbers Lookup

Italian Firearms Year of Manufacture Look Up works for Beretta, Benelli and other Italian firearms.

Uberti Rifle Serial Number Lookup

Uberti Serial Numbers Lookup

Mailing Address and Phone. Stoeger Industries Attn.: Service Department 901 Eighth Street Pocomoke, MD 21851 Phone: (301) 283-6981 (option 2) or (800) 264-4962 (option 2). Uberti serial number search. Cowboy starts with CB500. Fixed the actions and forcing cones on a pair of Uberti 1875 pistols in 44-40 yesterday. For about 16 years and I was wondering how old this gun is. It's new address is: The date codes for my 1996 '60 Henry (BH), and 2001 '66 Carbine (BP) are under the lever on the lower tang along with the. Date of 1999, then the gun’s serial number, a dp oval manufacturer’s mark, as well as the PEDERSOLI name, pistol caliber and notification that the gun is for black powder only. This warning appears on the bar-rel or barrel lug of all black powder arms manufactured in Italy. FinalFront.qxd 6/10/2004 9:55 AM Page 16. Also, in some cases you can contact the importer and find this info. For instance, if a gun is a Cimarron, a call to them with the serial number can get you the year they received it (or sold it?). If the gun is a generic Uberti USA, then possibly an email to Uberti will get you the info.



Italian firearms date year of proof codes.

Uberti 1851 navy serial number lookup

Uberti 1851 Navy Serial Number Lookup

Italian Date Codes

1945 = 1

1967 = XXIII

1989 = AU

1946 = 2

1968 = XXIV

1990 = AZ

1947 = 3

1969 = XXV

1991 = BA

1948 = 4

1970 = XXVI

1992 = BB

1949 = 5

1971 = XX7

1993 = BC

1950 = 6

1972 = XX8

1994 = BD

1951 = 7

1973 = XX9

1995 = BF

1952 = 8

1974= XXX

1996 = BH

1953 = 9

1975 = AA

1997 = BI

1954 = X

1976 = AB

1998 = BL

1955 = XI

1977 = AC

1999 = BM

1956 = XII

1978 = AD

2000 = BN

1957 = XIII

1979 = AE

2001 = BP

1958 = XIV

1980 = AF

2002 = BS

1959 = XV

1981 = AH

2003 = BT

1960 = XVI

1982 = AI

2004 = BU

1961 – XVII

1983 = AL

2005 = BZ

1962 = XVIII

1984 = AM

2006 = CA

1963 = XIX

1985 = AN

2007 = CB

1964 = XX

1986 = AP

2008 = CC

1965 = XXI

1987 = AS

2009 = CD

1966 = XXII

1988 = AT

2010 = CF

Prior to 1945 date codes were in Roman numerals and included the month and the last two numbers of the year, so January 1922 would be rendered IXXII.