Honda service manuals for download, free! Honda's meant-for-Japan XLR250R is the best 250-class dual-sport we have ever thrown a leg over, and a few mods could make it the ultimate lightweight street-legal dirt bike. It's quick, nimble and reliable, and parts (except the final drive) are interchangeable with the XR, but the performance. Sometimes XLR125R 1998 (W) ENGLAND / MKH parts lists are also know as parts fiches or partsfishes, schematics, diagrams and parts manuals. With these XLR125R 1998 (W) ENGLAND / MKH partsfiches you have access to eight hundred eight spares. The AIR CLEANER schematic contains the largest amount of parts with thirty-six listed products.
Honda Xlr125r Manual Transmission
I was mearly asking if anyone knew where i could find one or could send me a copy for my specific bike seeing as i could not find one. Seems like the post 2000 Honda XR125L Workshop Manual falls into the 1% that is unavailable.
Correct me if i'm wrong but arent these forums created mainly for helping each other out and not for erroneous rants about how other users are 'useless bums'.
Now if i do happen to come across a workshop manual for a Honda XR125L 2008 i'll be sure to give back to the community.
In the meantime i'll carry on looking and will post back if i find anything.
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