The Amazing Spider Man Game Crashes Fix

2 - right click 'The Amazing Spider-Man' in the games list 3 - click 'Manage' - 'Browse Local Files' 4 - now you are seeing the folder where the files of this games are stored in your computer 5 - right click 'VideoDetection.dll' cut it and paste it in your desktop After doing all of this, the red bar will disappear and you can launch the game. MegaGames - founded in 1998, is a comprehensive hardcore gaming resource covering PC, Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, Mobile Games, News, Trainers, Mods, Videos, Fixes, Patches.

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    • By arctic0ne
      Official Black & White 2 v1.2 Patch
      (Requires v1.1 patch be installed first)
      Black & White® 2
      Patch 1.2 Readme File
      Lionhead Studios 2005
      Table Of Contents
      A. Patch Installation
      B. Fixes included in this Patch
      C. Known Issues and Workarounds
      D. Uninstall
      E. Special Thanks
      F. Important Notices
      A. Patch Installation
      To install Version 1.2 of Black & White® 2 you will need a full copy of the game installed onto your machine.
      Patch 1.1 will need to be installed before updating to Patch 1.2.
      Double click the Black & White® 2 Patch 1-2.exe. This will launch an installer that will patch your version to the latest version of Black and White 2, version 1.2.
      B. Fixes included in this Patch
      - Added: Lands 1-3 can be skipped by pressing ESC and making the relevant selection.
      - Added: A confirmation screen for when you change graphics resolution.
      - Added: Extra optimisations to utilise ATI's latest GPUs. In our test cases, we found an increase of about 27% on an X850 XT, and about 24% on a 9800 Pro.
      - Added: The game now supports having no audio.
      - Added: Holding down the modifier key (default '/') while placing buildings will keep the draggable building template in your hand.
      - Added: Missing text to the Build Menu's tool tip for Hurricane.
      - Added: An in-game low battery warning for laptop computers.
      - Changed: Street lights are now visible from further away.
      - Changed: Improved the way that the game auto-detects graphics cards.
      - Changed: Improved Land 5's navigation map, to stop platoons running between one of the walls and a mountain.
      - Fixed: The Land 1 pitching, rotating and zooming tutorials are now automatically skipped if you don't have a middle mouse button. Keyboard commands are still available to replace the Middle Mouse Button for movement.
      - Fixed: The Heartbeat sound has been removed.
      - Fixed: A crash that would occur from ending a profile name with a space.
      - Fixed: Removing USB headphones during gameplay will no longer cause the game to hang.
      - Fixed: A crash when dragging a wall template to another wall tower, while it was being deleted.
      - Fixed: The Good Advisor blocking the Land 1 tutorial videos.
      - Fixed: An issue with Land 7's Monster Mine challenge, where it wouldn't always be completable.
      - Fixed: An audio issue regarding save/load and skipping Wonder cutscenes.
      - Fixed: A problem where archers would navigate poorly when firing at a target a lot lower than them.
      - Fixed: A rare crash that occurred when a road blueprint rapidly changes height while creating a new spline point.
      - Fixed: A hang that would occur on Land 3 if the Creature Teach menu is used to prematurely teach your creature whether to eat or not, during the Creature Tutorial.
      C. Known Issues and Workarounds
      1. PLEASE NOTE : Save games from versions 1.0 and 1.1 will be compatible with patch 1.2. However, we highly recommend that you start a new profile and a new game to ensure complete integrity of the fixes.
      2. Black and White 2 uses the 3rd party protection software 'SafeDisc'. This can, on some machines, cause the game to fail on startup. There are several possible causes for this, and a few different workarounds to try if it occurs.
      Uninstalling any CD emulation and disc ripping software you may have and/or updating your disc drive's firmware to the latest version should fix most cases. Firmware updates should be available from the drive manufacture's website.
      3. Black and White 2 is a very graphically intense game. As such, your graphics card will draw a lot of power from the power supply in your machine, especially if it is a PCI-Express card.
      Having an insufficient power supply can cause the computer to hang and crash under high loads, like those experienced when playing the game. Additionally, if the PCI-E card's power usage level is set too low in the BIOS, similar results can be seen.
      Try increasing the slot power to 'Heavy' or equivalent in the BIOS if you are experiencing problems with it.
      4. Users with some Logitech mice may experience loss of functionality with the middle mouse button. To resolve this, we recommend that you change the assignment of the Middle Mouse Button from 'Zoom' to 'Generic Button' or 'Middle Button' in the SetPoint Control Panel.
      Alternatively, you can update your drivers, which will change the default assignment itself. However, there are known sensitivity issues with revision 2.46, so keep checking for the latest updates.
      5. If you are experiencing sound muting during gameplay, completely uninstalling and then re-installing your sound card's drivers should fix the problem. This is a known issue with some devices/driver sets.
      6. Some motherboard's on board sound systems will result in audio stuttering within the game. Keeping your motherboard chipset's drivers up to date will fix most cases of this.
      7. Not having the latest drivers for either graphics card or motherboard chipset can result in the game's performance deteriorating over time. It is recommended that you update these drivers if you experience problems with the game.
      Some popular graphics card chipset manufacturer's websites are listed below:
      D. Uninstall
      1. To uninstall Black & White® 2 insert the Black & White® 2 disk, and run setup.exe
      2. Left-click on Remove and click Next to uninstall Black & White® 2.
      3. Should this fail to work, left-click on the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel.
      Now find Add/Remove Programs and left-click to run. Scroll down the list until you see Black & White® 2, select it and left-click on Add/Remove to uninstall.
      If the uninstaller fails to completely remove Black & White® 2 (it may not, for example, delete your Saved Games folder in 'My Documents'), delete the folder to which you installed the game.
      Thus, if you have used the default directories, double left-click on My Computer, double left-click on the 😄 drive, double left-click on Program Files, left click on the Lionhead Studios folder, then right click and select Delete.
      Click Yes to confirm.
      This will send the remaining files to the Recycle Bin, which you will then need to empty.
      E. Special Thanks
      We would like to thank everyone on the forums who helped us in solving certain configuration issues. This includes, but is certainly not limited to:
      CodeNameSly, crystalnova, dragamir, Elektrobolt, elohim26, flr, FordPrefect, furrycheeky, Malice_Suicide, maxsh, Maxstate, mcgeagh, mustis43, Norxium, Pirotic, sergius64, sinatosk, sub-cool, SUCKAB, Theusualsuspect, yomper
      F. Important Notices
      Software © 2001-2005 Lionhead Studios Limited. All rights reserved. Lionhead, the Lionhead logo, Black & White and the Black & White Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lionhead Studios Limited in the US and/or other countries. Black & White ® is a Lionhead ® Studios brand. Electronic Arts, EA and the EA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the US and/or other countries. Published and distributed by Electronic Arts. EA™ is an Electronic Arts™ brand The official Black & White game website can be found at
      Microsoft, DirectX and Direct3D are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, Inc.
      NVidia is a registered trademark of NVidia Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
      Pentium, Intel, and the Intel Inside logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
      ATI Technologies Inc. ATI and the ATI logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of ATI Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
      RenderWare is a registered trademark of Criterion Software Limited. Parts of the software are Copyright 1998-2005 Criterion Software Limited. and its licensors
      Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-2005 by RAD Game Tools, Inc
      ATI's RADEON® X800 XL graphics card sets a new standard in graphics performance and visual realism with 16 pipelines, higher clock speeds, and break through image enhancement technology. ATI's RADEON® X800 series ushered in a new category called High-Definition Gaming, putting capable gamers in complete control of even the most demanding game titles
    • By arctic0ne
      Official Black & White 2 v1.1 Patch
      Black & White® 2
      Patch 1.1 Readme File
      Lionhead Studios 2005
      Table Of Contents
      A. Patch Installation
      B. Fixes inclued in this Patch
      C. Known Issues
      D. Uninstall
      E. Important Notices
      A. Patch Installation
      To install Version 1.1 of Black & White® 2 you will need a full copy of the game installed onto your machine.
      Double click the Black & White® 2 Patch 1-1.exe. This will launch an installer that will patch your version to the latest version of Black and White 2, version 1.1.
      B. Fixes included in this Patch
      - Fixed a Technical Hang on Land 3 when trying to create disciples after killing off your population.
      - Fixed the command function which cycles through platoon units to not include enemy units.
      - Fixed a crash involving creature/tree interaction when the tree had no town status.
      - Fixed a creature issue which could stop the paternity suit or seven samurai challenges.
      - Fixed a statistics error, after a save/load, with the number of soldiers and archers reported in a town.
      - Fixed general balance issues involving rush tactics by an Aggressive God.
      - Fixed an issue involving the height at which archer's fire from walls.
      - Fixed a crash involving smashing a two story skyscraper.
      - Fixed a crash involving walls where a new section of wall from a previously destroyed one could be created.
      - Fixed a crash when deconstructing a wall while placing a gatehouse.
      - Fixed a restarting land issue when the creature would sometimes change if the profile has save games of different creatures in it.
      - Fixed a Technical Hang with the Archaeologist script on Land 6 involving killing a final archaeologist
      - Fixed a bug where evil embellishments couldn't be built if you are a good God.
      - Fixed a bug where Alignment could go above 100%.
      - Fixed a graphical issue when adding a layer to a damaged skyscraper.
      - Fixed a statistics error with Towns displaying 0 impressiveness needed to migrate when they cannot migrate.
      - Fixed a graphical bug causing the shoreline visuals to vanish.
      - Fixed a graphical bug where the Ape does not morph alignment correctly.
      - Added an option to skip the initial advisor speech on Land 1 by pressing the Escape key - this will take you directly to the Creature selection.
      - Added a silver scroll after the creature selection screen to skip the movement tutorials.
      - Added two development team members to credits (sorry guys).
      C. Known Issues
      1. PLEASE NOTE : After installing the version 1.1 patch, you will need to start a new game for the patch to properly take effect. Your existing Black & White® 2 save games will no longer work. Save games from version 1.0 of Black & White® 2 will not be compatible with version 1.1 of Black & White® 2.
      2. As mentioned in the original readme, certain USB headsets may cause issues if they are disconnected during gameplay. This is still the case. To avoid any crashes of the game, please save and quit before removing them.
      D. Uninstall
      1. To uninstall Black & White® 2 insert the Black & White® 2 disk, and run setup.exe
      2. Left-click on Remove and click Next to uninstall Black & White® 2.
      3. Should this fail to work, left-click on the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel.
      Now find Add/Remove Programs and left-click to run. Scroll down the list until you see Black & White® 2,
      select it and left-click on Add/Remove to uninstall.
      If the uninstaller fails to completely remove Black & White® 2 (it may not, for example, delete your Saved Games folder
      in 'My Documents'), delete the folder to which you installed the game.
      Thus, if you have used the default directories, double left-click on My Computer, double left-click on the 😄 drive,
      double left-click on Program Files, left click on the Lionhead Studios folder, then right click and select Delete.
      Click Yes to confirm.
      This will send the remaining files to the Recycle Bin, which you will then need to empty.
      E. Important Notices
      Software © 2001-2005 Lionhead Studios Limited. All rights reserved. Lionhead, the Lionhead logo, Black & White and
      the Black & White Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lionhead Studios Limited in the US and/or other countries. Black & White ® is a Lionhead ® Studios brand. Electronic Arts, EA and the EA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the
      US and/or other countries. Published and distributed by Electronic Arts. EA™ is an Electronic Arts™ brand
      The official Black & White game website can be found at
      Microsoft, DirectX and Direct3D are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, Inc.
      nVidia is a registered trademark of Nvidia Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
      Pentium, Intel, and the Intel Inside logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries
      in the United States and other countries
      ATI Technologies Inc. ATI and the ATI logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of ATI Technologies
      Inc. All rights reserved.
      RenderWare is a registered trademark of Criterion Software Limited. Parts of the software are Copyright 1998-2005
      Criterion Software Limited. and its licensors
      Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-2005 by RAD Game Tools, Inc
      ATI’s RADEON® X800 XL graphics card sets a new standard in graphics performance and visual realism with 16 pipelines,
      higher clock speeds, and break through image enhancement technology. ATI’s RADEON® X800 series ushered in a new category
      called High-Definition Gaming, putting capable gamers in complete control of even the most demanding game titles
    • By scottvordem
      This is an official patch made by Cyan. Uploaded here to make it easier to find since this was only posted in a forum.
      From (Via Wayback Machine):
      As of December 29 2020, This is still newer than the gog and steam versions.
      Original Description
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As more people buy the PlayStation exclusive Spider-Man Miles Morales, there’s also a growing number of reports about some players getting the error code CE-34878-0 on their PS4. If you play Spider-Man on your PS4 and the game keeps crashing on your with this error, this guide should help you fix it.

What is CE-34878-0 error?

The Amazing Spider Man Game Crashes Fix

CE-34878-0 is an error code that indicates that your PS4 is unable to continue running a game. There’s no specific cause for this error as there are multiple factors that can trigger it.

I’ve personally encountered this error when playing a couple other games aside from Spider-Man Miles Morales. Games will run normally again after crashing with this error, in my case, that is.

What causes error code CE-34878-0 when playing Spider-Man Miles Morales?


Over the years, we’ve identified a number of causes for the PS4 CE-34878-0 error. Let’s discuss each of them below.

Random game or software bug.

If you only experienced Spider-Man Miles Morales crashing with error code CE-34878-0 once or twice, it’s likely that the issue is triggered randomly. In this case, all you need to do is to keep everything updated and hope that the issue will not return.

New games tend to be buggy days or weeks from launch. At the time of this writing, this error is not as widespread as with other games so that’s a good sign.

Outdated game or PS4 firmware.

If CE-34878-0 keeps showing up when playing Spider-Man Miles Morales, it may mean that the game client is outdated, or that your system software needs to be updated. Installing the necessary update should fix the problem.

Damaged game files.

Sometimes, game files may become corrupted, damaged, or remain outdated due to lack of updates. While this situation does not always occur, it may be a frustrating problem for those who are unlucky enough to have it.

Files in your PS4 may be corrupted or damaged after installation of an incomplete update, or when trying to modify the official software.

Storage device issues.

For others, the main reason why their games may start crashing with error code CE-34878-0 is something more serious, like a broken or corrupted storage device.

If your PS4 has significantly become slower and games or apps keep crashing or won’t load at all, you should start looking at the health of your storage.

How to fix Spider-Man Miles Morales CE-34878-0 error

If you are getting error code CE-34878-0 on your PS4 when playing Spider-Man Miles Morales, below are the solutions that you can try.

Install updates.

One of the simplest yet effective ways to avoid hassles in gaming is to ensure that you install updates. This does not only mean updating your Spider-Man Miles Morales game but also your PS4’s firmware. So, before you load the game again after it crashed, make sure that you check for game and system updates.

Refresh the system cache by rebooting your PS4.

Games and apps may sometimes crash, fail to launch, or perform poorly if your PS4’s system cache is corrupted. To ensure that you purge the system cache and force the console to build a new one, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the PS4 normally using the Power button or the controller.
  2. Unplug the power cable from the power source (outlet or power strip).
  3. Wait for 30 seconds.
  4. Start the console back up and check for the problem.

Repair PS4 database.

Amazing Spiderman No 1

For those who may have issues with corrupted game files, there are two things that you can do. One is to delete your game data locally (be sure that you create a back up in the cloud before doing this) and the other is by rebuilding your PS4 database.

Delete and reinstall the game.

Because console games are already pre-optimized, which means that the developer has already adjusted the settings to allow smooth operation for a particular console, there’s nothing much that users can do in terms of tweaks or adjustments.

If the suggested solutions in this guide has not helped at all, you’ll need to perform a drastic step of deleting and reinstalling the game.

Check the health of your HDD or SSD.

For some unfortunate few, the main reason for error code CE-34878-0 on their PS4 is something that requires checking, repairing, or even replacing the storage device.

The Amazing Spider Man 2 Game Crash Fix

You should if the hard drive or SSD is at fault because other games or applications will not work at all, or may run erratically. The console’s overall performance will also suffer, even when not actively running a game and when navigating the home screen only.

The Amazing Spider Man Game Crash Fix

If necessary, try using a different HDD or SSD, install the game, and see if that will fix the problem.

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The Amazing Spider Man Game Crashes Fix

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